A family of four travelled to Puerto Rico for a vacation. They stayed at a beach front condominium. Shortly after arriving, the two 20-something daughters decided to take a walk through the pool area, down some steps, to see the ocean. Upon their return to the stairway from the beach, one sister grabbed the wire cable fencing for support going up the stairs. She immediately began receiving an electric shock from the cable. In trying to release help her sister, the other young women also came in contact with the cable and began being electrocuted as well. With the help of the girls’ step-father, both girls were able to get released from the cable: but not before sustaining serious electrocution injuries.
It was clear that the Homeowners Association HOA had done renovations in the pool area that allowed electrical current to flow to the cables under certain conditions according to our electrical engineering expert.
The injuries were evaluated by the Chicago Electrical Trauma Research Institute (“CETRI”). After extensive discovery and expert reports by our electrical engineer and multiple doctors and medical professionals, the case settled for $1 million: the entire insurance policy of the HOA.